
QV Screen Builder
Our powerful technology allows everyone in the organization to easily self-build a stunning, professional and friendly designed FIORI based screens. No creative limits, no coding is needed and it runs on standard SAP technologies both on premise and cloud based frameworks .

QV Clickless Gantt
An interactive Gantt chart for SAP PPM , and PS modules that gives you a comprehensive view on all your projects and portfolios in one screen as well as the ability to customize it for your SAP Gannt Charts Needs.

QV Launcher
A powerful UI widget for retrieving information from all installed SAP systems and plugins (ECC, BW, CRM, SRM) and enabling intuitive access to all the user applications as well fast access to application specific training materials.

Cognitive Map
An easy-to-use visual representation of SAP Portal and Knowledge Management (SAP KM) navigation options.

An advanced Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS Based) web tool for reporting project hours and tasks directly to SAP CATS from anywhere you are, all by using mobile phone or any other mobile device